Travsafe 150kg
Travsafe 150kg
The new Travsafe lifeline is an evolution of the previous version. It complies with the European norm EN795-C and the CEN/TS16415 for multi-user. The Travsafe lifeline with its two cables is the most efficient and sophisticated lifeline on the market.
As an extension of Tractel High Capacity Range, the Travsafe lifeline is now certified for user weighing up to 150kg including all their equipment.
This lifeline is certified for a simultaneous use for a maximum of 5 users 100kg or 3 users 150kg.
Tractel has performed compatibility tests for all of its self-retracting fall arrester (EN360) and guided type fall arresters (EN353-2) rated 150kg on the Travsafe lifeline. All lanyards certified EN 355 can be used with the Travsafe lifeline.
Thanks to its specific design, the slider easily moves past the intermediate cable brackets, with no need for any manual intervention.
Two versions are now available:
- Travsafe with stainless steel shock absorber rings
- Travsafe with two-material shock absorber ring
These two Travsafe lifeline versions are designed for overhead, on wall or ground installations. The anchors can be installed on any structure or by using post interfaces. Intermediate anchors must be positioned no more than 15 meters apart.
When configured in stainless steel (anchors, wire ropes and absorber rings), the Travsafe offers the possibility to have a distance between anchors from 0.8m to 30m in both single span and multi spans configuration.
The Travsafe is particularly well suited for long applications (over 200m). On overhead application, the Rollsafe slider ensures a smooth gliding of any fall arrester (including heavy self-retracting block) on the twin system.